
I’m still working on my paper but wanted to share with you a quote that sits on my desk.  i read it practically everyday.  hope it motivates you.

“failure is only an emotion, but it becomes a reality when you quit.”  – Erik Fisher, Psychologist

Words that are so true.  So I’m not going to quit on trying to focus to do this paper, lol.  But seriously, it is our decision if we are going to press on or to fall off.  Start this week with the mindset that you won’t let the feelings of failure to overwhelm you. Fervently do your best, and you will succeed! Now, that’s a reality worth having.


okay, forgot that today was Friday so i owe you a poem.  well, i’m going to post someone else’s and this sista right here…! WHEW!  wonderfully gifted.  and truly the You that she is talking about is the YOU you need in your life.

man, she really makes me want to start writing again…

bare with me…

okay. it seems like it has been forever and a day since i’ve actually written on my OWN blog!  i’ve left some comments elsewhere, and have seen topic after topic come up that i truly would love to put pen to paper, however…GRAD SCHOOL has kinda not allowed that to happen.  i’m currently working on a 10 page paper about the Exodus and it’s theme throughout the Bible.  interesting topic, not so interested in actually writing it.  but soon and very soon things will be over and i’ll be done with my first semester.  yahoo!  i’ve been having thoughts on whether to continue on with this blog or to actually start on a different project.  i have some things that have been coming to mind, we will see if God actually allows me to bring it into commencement, lol.  so my apologies to you all who have tried to stop by and there was nothing here to greet you 😦 in due time, in due time.

Keep Your Head to the Sky

Sometimes I get so frustrated by this world…the senseless violence, lack of compassion, disasters and pain.  If you look at what’s in front of you, it can be difficult to have hope and faith for what the latter will bring.  I’m reminded that we should look to the hills from which comes our help .  That when we look up and know that there is one that is far greater and is sovereign, we are comforted.  I absolutely love Earth, Wind and Fire and the message in this song is so encouraging and the ending so ethereal I wanted to share.


What a Marvelous Thing!

crossGlory to God in the highest who deserves all of our praise, now and forever, Amen!  Everyday we have reason to give thanks to our Maker who made heaven and earth and for reasons above our own, decides to breathe life into us each and every morning.  But this weekend, we are reminded of the primary reason (besides Him being God) of why we give Him praise and worship.  We are reminded of His love for us.  A love that surpasses all understanding.  To be wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities.  That our chastisement of our peace would be upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.  Yes, we are healed today.  Because of His wonderful love and mercy! He stepped down from glory to become like us, to redeem the wretched so that we wouldn’t suffer and be scorned; That we wouldn’t be eternally apart from Him because He desires our company/fellowship so much.  That is why we can say that we shall live and not die! Because Christ did it for me.  He did it for you.  We are loved by the Almighty God who was, and is, and is to come! This weekend and always, remember why we celebrate life.  It’s because there was One who decided that your life was too important to perish that He had to lay down his own.  Glory be to God.  Truly, what a marvelous thing He has done!

Cosmic Journey, Part II

I really can’t recall the time frame between me writing Part I and Part II.  They were both inspired by the same muse.  This is either late 1999 or early 2000. Enjoy

Haitian eyes can talk

And his say so much

Attempting to read my mind with his pupils

Dilating thoughts and words

I have yet to hear

That his lips have yet to utter

This lil’ Haitian boy from no where

Is taking me somewhere

And I say “go”

Hesitant to take his hand

Firm yet gentle

Giving me tingles with the

Slightest touch

Confused by uncertainty

Of the meaning of this cosmic journey

Well now,

Enticing me with that melodic voice

Smothered with Boston beats

And Haitian snares

Wanting to play through locs

Like Jimi on guintar strings

This lil’ Haitian boy from no where

Is taking me somewhere

And I say “go”

Constantly on my mind

Wanting to put moments on rewind

Just to see his eyes

Talk to mine

I say “go”

Go with that feeling that elates me

After every encounter

The same one that makes me smile

When I ponder

Upon the charm that flows like water

From his lips

The one that gives kisses

That sadden me

Whenever his tongue leaves

My mouth

His scent is a memory

His voice is an illusion

His smile is a vision

And his eyes follow me


Haunting me…

This lil’ Haitian boy from no where

Is taking me somewhere

And I say “go”



 Now that I’ve typed this, I’m left somewhat amused at my 19/20 year old mind.  Let’s just say that I didn’t go ANYWHERE with this lil’ Haitian boy, but I am surprised at how our encounter led me to write these words.  I’m also left wondering why I’m not as inspired to write poetry now as I was then…?  With all that life has thrown my way in the last decade, I see that I have been suffering from writer’s block and wonder what would I write about now?  How would I write it? My faith is so much a part of me, and yet I believe I only have one poem (that I can recall) that is inspired by it. Hmmmm.  Sorry you all, just thinking out loud. 

With Long Life

My God will satisfy me and I will praise Him forever!  God has done some amazing things in my life in the past week and I am mos def in a praising mood.  My God is so good to me that words are not enough.  I hope to share what has been going on with me, but today I would like you to join in praising God in remembrance of all the good things He has done for us.  That even includes the things/experiences that don’t feel good, because in the end it is all for our good.  We will live and shall not die!  Happy Monday.

Cosmic Journey, Part I

Sorry, sorry, sorry.  I haven’t written as much as I would like.  I’ve left you all with nothing to read.  It’s been a while since I’ve posted a poem on Fridays.  This is one of those poems that I really like how it reads (sorry no audio for this one) and flows.  Doubt that this one will ever be revised, think I like it just the way it is.

I journey through galaxies

Allowing my mind to span the universe

I stare at each star

Weighing its brightness wealth

Following the path of a comet’s streak

In search of one

One whose brightness

My sight can barely contain

One whose heat

Generates the power to leave me lit

Like the scented flame of incense

And whose kiss leaves my face aglow

I can swallow more Earths than

Jupiter ever could

But I have yet to walk across the sun

With the seven rings of Saturn on my



Why do I venture

To the dark side of the moon

Unable to view the beauty

Of Venus’s colors

My heart is left shadowed

By an eclipse of the sun’s rays

Versus the moon’s gaze

Join as one with Aries

You say?

Ruler of Mars

God of war

But Zeus did not prophesize

This cosmic connection of two

Will I distance myself

As far as the furthest planet of Pluto?

Or will I this time

Travel across the Milky Way

To reach my star

The father of my sun-

Kissed lips

And orbit it 365 plus one

Every fourth

To ignore those that say

“Do not stare!”

But look directly into the light

And be love blind

Will I go there?

A distance that once seemed so far

Too far for me to go

I will not resist

The gravitational pull of this star

No more

But remain on my path

To the source of its heat

And be bronzed by the intensity of its rays

Get Up, Get Out and Do Something

the days seem to be passing us by quickly.  sometimes it seems like we aren’t really maximizing all that we can do in those 24hrs.   now there are some of us who aren’t trying to waste time away by getting high everyday…but we do waste time.  when you think about your life, have you accomplished all – some – any – none of your goals? do you have a vision of yourself that you aren’t really making any effort to realize.  it’s monday, i know, i’m coming with some heavy thoughts…but let’s start the week with some purpose.  dreaming is well and good, but let’s bring them to life; it’s far better to live the dream.  take this from a recovering procrastinator who is trying to make sure that she doesn’t let her days pass her by.  big ups to joe lee on the song recommendation.

The Right to Bare Arms

michelle1so i was reading the commentary yesterday about how people are hating on michelle obama for rocking the sleeveless tops and dresses.  seriously?  am i the only one that finds this funny?  i guess one has to nitpick when you can find very little wrong… if it’s not her eyebrows, it’s her hair, if it’s not her hair, it’s her choice of clothing…and how dare she show her guns!   i’m sorry but i’d rather look at michelle’s arms which are nice and toned than someone who when they wave, looks like they are about to take flight due to all the flesh swinging; just saying.   soon they’ll be tripping about her height and saying she shouldn’t wear high heels because it makes her taller than the president. *insert eyeroll*

but help me to understand why her opting go sleeveless is relevant?  i mean, really, how is it inappropriate?  she’s not showing excessive amounts of cleavage, she barely has her gams out,  and she wears clothes that are fit and tailored; not tight.  to me, her physical appearance is inspirational.  here she is a mother of two, who clearly exercises and knows how to dress for her shape.  you have to admire that.  she is also young and shouldn’t try to dress like the previous first ladies.  God forbid she put on something Barbara Bush-like, and if she did, again, she would be criticized for not dressing her age.  you can’t win.

i think the issue is that michelle makes us look at women with a new lens.  not only is her public figure making white america look at black women differently, but it also makes black america look at themselves differently.  she is a strong woman who seems to have great character and doesn’t need a silly song like survivor, independent women, or (remember 90’s girl?!! ) to describe who she is.  some people are taken aback by her self confidence and assurance.  i think even women of color who are uncertain about themselves fall prey to the trap of hateration and want michelle to “cover up” because how dare she show that you can have children and still be fit.  and i’m still confused how it is a sign of disrespect (there are still some members of my church who take issue with “arms being out”). her poise sends a message that some are uncomfortable hearing and seeing.

all i can say is, michelle, do you.  you are probably in way better shape in your 40s than i am in my late 20s.  can’t knock you for owning your sense of style.